Binge Eating Disorder | Bulimia Nervosa | Anorexia Nervosa | Body Dissatisfaction
Boulder Counseling Center is a community specialist in treating a variety of eating problems. Early intervention can be one of the strongest predictive factors for recovery.
We are familiar with the individual care required to help specialized populations: athletes, dancers, models, college students, parents, self-harm, night eating syndrome, substance abuse, and consultations for the loved one of an eating disordered individual.
The most prevalent of the eating disorders, the diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder or Compulsive Overeating has been estimated up to about 4% of the population.
- Loss of control of eating (a large amount of food) in a short period of time
- Eating large amounts when not physically hungry, to the point of feeling uncomfortably full
- Eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating
- Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty after overeating
- Overly concerned and distressed about body weight and shape
- Mood swings, depression, and low self-esteem
- Periods of extreme dieting, food restriction, or obsessive exercise
It is important to understand that Compulsive Overeating and Binge Eating Disorder are treatable. Specialists at Boulder Counseling Center utilize research based therapies to help you understand the meaning of theses behaviors in your life and teach you proven techniques to overcome binge eating in a step by step process . Individual therapy , our Binge Eating and Bulimia Support Group , family therapy and couples therapy , and Internet and phone therapy are options to explore in your free initial consultation .
- Overeating or eating uncontrollably, followed by self-induced vomiting, laxative, diet pill, diuretic abuse, or overexercising
- Eating very rapidly and not really tasting the food
- Eating alone due to shame or embarrassment
- Frequent trips to the bathroom, particularly after meals
- Depression, guilt, shame, or mood swings
- Preoccupation with weight, dieting, and food
- Social isolation
- Weight fluctuations
- Hiding food, secret stashes of food, or secret disposal of wrappers, containers, etc. from food items consumed
- Chronic dieting
- For females, loss of menstrual periods or irregular menstrual cycle
- Very poor body image
- May abuse substances or self-harm
Bulimia is treatable, and Boulder Counseling Center would like to help . If you can relate to some of the symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa, request a free consultation to ask about individual therapy, our Binge Eating and Bulimia Support Group, family therapy and couples therapy, and Internet and phone therapy. We will work with you on identifying and managing obsessive and negative food thoughts and behaviors, sort through past experiences and unhelpful core beliefs, and create an action plan for your future without Bulimia .
- Below normal weight range (15% or more below) and denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight
- Restricting food and avoiding higher calorie foods
- Intense fear of becoming fat, even though weight is average or underweight
- Social isolation
- Poor or inaccurate body image; may see themselves as fat when the scale, a doctor, or family members disagree
- Loss of menstrual periods or irregular menstrual cycle
- May sometimes engage in bingeing and purging behaviors
- Obsessive food and exercise rituals and rules
- May abuse substances or self-harm
If you can relate to some of the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, Boulder Counseling Center offers individual therapy , family therapy and couples therapy , and Internet and phone therapy . We will work with you on identifying and managing obsessive and negative food thoughts and behaviors, sort through past experiences and unhelpful core beliefs, and create an action plan for your future without Anorexia .
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) symptoms go well beyond normal concern with one's appearance. This obsessive preoccupation with a perceived defect in one’s physical appearance may significantly impair academic and professional functioning, as well as interpersonal relationships. Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder may include:
- Repetitive checking of a minor or perceived flaw in mirrors or other reflective surfaces
- Avoidance of mirrors or having picture taken
- Repetitive grooming activities
- Hiding perceived defect with make-up or clothing
- Multiple medical visits and procedures (e.g., plastic surgery)
Recommended treatments for Body Dysmorphic Disorder are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Ritual Prevention (ERP), with or without medication. Your therapist at Boulder Counseling Center can teach you these proven strategies for the reduction of appearance anxiety and preoccupation in individual therapy, Internet and phone therapy, or group therapy .
Please contact Boulder Counseling Center to schedule a complimentary consultation with an eating disorders specialist.