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Internet & Phone Therapy | Therapist Supervision & Practice Consultation
This is a good time to ask any questions about our therapy services, share your goals, and know if it feels right to move forward. Our policy states that you can terminate services at any time or seek a second opinion. We are happy to provide alternative referrals in the community.
No Charge
(303) 668-9024
The therapist has your full attention in individual therapy, and it is a unique opportunity to focus on yourself; your strengths and your areas for growth.
Regular sessions explore your problem areas, and you will collaborate with your therapist to develop manageable treatment goals. Homework tasks in between appointments help move your progress along, and these are agreed upon between you and your therapist after each session.
Most likely you will meet with your therapist once a week, although some issues are better managed with more frequent appointments. Sessions are 45-50 or 70-75 minutes long.
Fees vary, depending on insurance
(303) 668-9024
Experience the connection and support from others working on similar issues, under the facilitation of an experienced therapist. Gain education, understanding, and helpful feedback from non-judgmental group members who are there to achieve similar goals.
This group formed from a request by the growing number of individuals who experience patterns of overeating and/or binge eating. A subset of this group also engages in purging behaviors, such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or other means. Members have reported that they feel more comfortable in this group than if it were shared by those that only restrict their food and tend to have a lower body weight.
Besides food, the group topics include body image, obsessive thoughts, mood swings, self-esteem, relationships, and understanding how to stop the binge/purge/restrict cycle.
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
(303) 668-9024
A 4 week group connecting parents, spouses, partners, and friends to understand their role in recovery. The purpose is to receive support, education, and exchange ideas about eating disorders and how it has been affecting you and your loved one. Time is equally divided between teaching, group activities, and open forum for discussion.
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
Four week group
$48/group or $167/all 4
(303) 668-9024
A Boulder community resource available at no charge to those that struggle with a variety of eating disordered behaviors (e.g., restricting, bingeing, purging, excessive exercise, chronic dieters). Benefit from the connection and support of others, as a supplement to your individual therapy work (required for participation).
Sundays, 4:00-5:30 pm
No charge
(303) 668-9024
A supportive and structured group to address a variety of anxiety-provoking situations (e.g., heights, dental, social, driving, flying, public speaking, and many other intrusive fears). Participants will develop their individual treatment plan for eliminating fears and work in the group as a team to support each member to accomplish goals. Physiology, heredity, and conditioning of fears will be discussed. Stress reducing techniques, challenging obsessive fear thoughts, and progressive exposure work is central to the group process.
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
(303) 668-9024
It is rare that your problems don’t touch the lives of your loved ones; that your issues operate independently of your family system or your relationships.
Your therapist usually meets couples or several members of the family at the same time, and interventions are primarily focused on relationship patterns and how the family interacts. Therapy occurs without blame of individual participants, as each person shares a role in old ways of doing things and finding new, workable solutions.
Most likely you will meet with your therapist once a week, although some issues are better managed with more frequent appointments. Sessions can be 45-90 minutes long.
Fees vary, depending on insurance
(303) 668-9024
It is not always possible to come to your session in person. Illness, weather, travel, or for those who do not live in the Boulder area, eTherapy or phone therapy is a viable option. eTherapy can be accomplished through email or instant messaging, and the session length and frequency will depend on your problem issues.
Phone and IM sessions are scheduled and conducted the same as in-person appointments. Clients who participate in these alternative forms of treatment should be good at expressing themselves verbally, willing to find supplemental, local resources and are not currently suicidal.
Fees vary, depending on frequency
(303) 668-9024
Clinical supervision by a licensed psychotherapist is essential for private practitioners, whether unlicensed or licensed. It provides support, feedback, and a shared responsibility of difficult client cases. Meetings with Joan Unruh, LPC, CAC III can be focused on client case supervision and/or practice building consultation. With over 13 years of counseling experience in a variety of treatment settings, Joan Unruh can advise on your practice structure, business plan, client forms, bookkeeping strategies, marketing materials, insurance claim submission, and other functions related to developing and maintaining a thriving private practice.
Fees vary, depending upon group size
(303) 668-9024